PinnedWhy we should never debate fascists, racists and other reactionariesOn Thursday, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, one of the most prominent left-wing candidates to the French presidency in the 2022 election debated Eric…Sep 24, 20212Sep 24, 20212
EU elections results in France: Earthquake or all too predictable?The European Union woke up with yet another hangover after the weekend’s elections. Every five years, the same campaigns centring far right…Jun 11, 2024Jun 11, 2024
The mainstreaming of the far and extreme right in the French presidential electionThis article was first published in the ECPR E-Extreme newletter (March 22 # Volume 23, №1) — thanks to Fred Paxton and Patricia Rodi!Apr 4, 2022Apr 4, 2022
The left must stop falling for far right left behind narratives and see the working class in all…Four years ago, after the consecutive shocks of the Brexit victory in the EU referendum and Donald Trump’s election to the presidency of…Nov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020
The French Republican hypocrisy and the long slow descent into reactionAs France battles the second wave of the Covid19 pandemic, it is telling that much of country’s news is dedicated to other issues as the…Nov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020
The horrific murder of Samuel Paty makes the need for critical approaches all the more necessaryThere are no words to express the horror of the murder of Samuel Paty on the 16th of October, and there are no excuses to be found for the…Oct 25, 20201Oct 25, 20201
Published inReactionary DemocracyAnother ‘scandal’, a sleight of hand and the same old storyAnother scandal involving a prominent political actor and a prominent journalist, both at the centre of dozens of similar scandals. And…May 24, 2020May 24, 2020